Man self presents at Bankstown Hospital in Sydney with gunshot wounds

Dominique Tassell
It comes just days after another man was dropped off outside the same hospital with similar wounds.

A man presented at a Sydney hospital overnight with gunshot wounds, just days after another man suffering similar wounds was left out the front of the same hospital.

The 37-year-old man with a gunshot wound walked into Bankstown Hospital just after midnight on Friday.

He was treated by paramedics before being taken to Liverpool Hospital in a serious condition.

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NSW Police are now investigating the incident.

It comes days after another man was left out the front of the same hospital with similar injuries, while a family narrowly escaped injury in a drive-by shooting the city’s southwest.

A 23-year-old man suffering a gunshot wound to his abdomen was dropped off outside Bankstown Hospital about 10.35pm on Tuesday night.

He was driven there in a bullet-riddled white Audi by a 30-year-old companion, who helped the younger man into the emergency department.

A man presented at a Sydney hospital overnight with gunshot wounds.
A man presented at a Sydney hospital overnight with gunshot wounds. Credit: 7NEWS

Both men are suspected by police to be involved in organised crime.

The driver has been charged with hindering police, disqualified driving and concealing a serious indictable offence.

Also on Tuesday night, a family home in Cabramatta was targeted in a drive-by shooting.

Four children and five adults were inside at the time, but no one was injured.

A white Toyota Corolla used in the attack was found on fire a few kilometres away in Mount Pritchard soon after.

Police are appealing for anyone with information about either incident or relevant footage to come forward.

-With AAP

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