Tech giant Apple says it will roll out what it calls ‘age assurance’, allowing parents to input a child's age when setting up a child's account on apps.
A legal expert suspects a hostile foreign nation is funding the spate of anti-Semitic attacks sweeping Australia, and believes the foot soldiers carrying out the crimes are being recruited from prison yards.
A female-dominated Australian university has decided to only accept women applicants, including transgender women, for a job teaching mechanical engineering.
Privatising hospitals could be outlawed under changes being considered after the death of a toddler whose parents waited for hours in an emergency room.
The popular system used in millions of homes will be able to buy concert tickets, order groceries and run through recipes ... but it will come at a cost.
Coalition senators have cast doubt every Aussie will ‘see a GP for free’ under Labor’s $8.5 billion Medicare plan, scrutinising secret modelling in Senate Estimates on Wednesday.