Some Singapore flight passengers 'need spinal surgery' and remain in Bangkok hospitals

Staff Writers
They have described seeing children and babies being thrown across the cabin comparing the scenes to a horror movie.

Several of the more seriously injured people who were on a Singapore Airlines flight that hit severe turbulence earlier this week will need spinal surgery, a Bangkok hospital says.

Twenty people remained in intensive care and a 73-year-old British man died after the Boeing 777, which was flying from London’s Heathrow airport to Singapore on Tuesday, ran into bad turbulence over the Andaman Sea, hurling items and passengers and crew members around the cabin.

A public relations officer for Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, where most of the 104 people hurt in the incident were treated, told the Associated Press that other local hospitals have been asked to lend their best specialists to assist in the treatments.

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He spoke on condition of anonymity under hospital policy.

Hospital director Adinun Kittiratanapaibool said at a news conference on Thursday that none of the 20 patients in ICU were in life-threatening condition.

They include six from the United Kingdom, six Malaysians, three Australians, two Singaporeans and one person each from Hong Kong, New Zealand and the Philippines.

Passengers have described the “sheer terror” of the aircraft shuddering, loose items flying and injured people lying paralysed on the floor of the plane.

It remains unclear what exactly caused the turbulence that sent the plane, which was carrying 211 passengers and 18 crew members, on a 1800-metre descent in about three minutes, after which the flight was diverted to Thailand.

In one of the latest accounts of the chaos on board, 43-year-old Malaysian Amelia Lim described finding herself face down on the floor.

“I was so afraid ... I could see so many individuals on the floor, they were all bleeding. There was blood on the floor as well as on the people,” she told the online Malay Mail newspaper.

The woman who had been seated next to her was “motionless in the aisle and unable to move, likely suffering from a hip or spinal injury,” she added.

Ambulance at Thailand's Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Injured passengers on a London to Singapore flight were transported to a hospital in Thailand. (EPA PHOTO) Credit: EPA

Thai authorities said the UK man who died possibly had a heart attack.

Passengers have described how the flight crew tried to revive him by performing CPR for about 20 minutes.

Among 41 people who had remained at Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital on Thursday morning, 22 had spinal or spinal cord damage, six had skull or brain injuries and 13 had damage to bones or internal organs, hospital director Adinun said.

The 19 men and 22 women ranged in age from two years to 83 years.

Seventeen surgeries have already been performed - nine spinal surgeries and eight for other injuries, he said.

Thirteen others injured in the incident remain at two other branches of the hospital.

Asked about the prognosis for the most serious cases, Adinun said it was too early to tell if any could suffer permanent paralysis, and doctors would have to observe whether muscle function recovered after surgery.

On Wednesday morning, a special Singapore Airlines flight took 143 uninjured or lightly hurt people onward to Singapore.


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