'Nazi hunter' Serge Klarsfeld would support Le Pen's National Rally party in France

Staff Writers
Deutsche Presse Agentur
Serge Klarsfeld says the National Rally has changed and now supports the state of Israel. (EPA PHOTO)
Serge Klarsfeld says the National Rally has changed and now supports the state of Israel. (EPA PHOTO) Credit: AAP

Serge Klarsfeld, a lawyer who became known as a Nazi hunter, has caused a stir in France with his comments on Marine Le Pen’s National Rally.

In an interview on the LCI television channel on Saturday, Klarsfeld said with a view to the upcoming parliamentary elections that he would not vote for the French left-wing party La France Insoumise (LFI) but for the right-wing National Rally (RN) in the event of a run-off.

The 88-year-old explained that the National Rally had changed and was now on the side of the Jews.

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Klarsfeld has held this position for some time.

The RN supports the Jews and the state of Israel, and in this respect he would vote in favour of a pro-Jewish party, Klarsfeld explained.

At the same time, however, he said that he would vote as usual for a centrist party in the upcoming election in his constituency.

France’s Left Party, which is currently pursuing a decidedly pro-Palestinian course in light of the Gaza war, accused Klarsfeld of being “decidedly anti-Jewish”.

Other parties, such as the Socialists, are also accusing the Left Party of anti-Semitism.

The party’s stance on the Gaza war was the reason for the break-up of a left-wing alliance in the National Assembly.

Nevertheless, the progressive parties now want to contest the elections with a left-wing alliance once again.

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